The Q

A blog about achieving success by hiring, managing, and supporting contractors

Cover Image for How to Make Pay Stubs: A Step-by-Step Guide for Employers

Need help making pay stubs for your employees? This guide provides a clear and concise breakdown of the steps you need to take to create accurate pay stubs.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for How to Make Pay Stubs: A Step-by-Step Guide for Employers

How to Make Pay Stubs: A Step-by-Step Guide for Employers

Need help making pay stubs for your employees? This guide provides a clear and concise breakdown of the steps you need to take to create accurate pay stubs.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Subcontractors Almost Killed a Multi-Million Dollar Deal

Subcontractors Almost Killed a Multi-Million Dollar Deal

How you work with 1099 workers matters. During a consulting gig I witnessed how not taking hiring and managing contractors seriously on almost killed a multi-million dollar acquisition.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for When Should You Hire an Employee vs Contractor?

When Should You Hire an Employee vs Contractor?

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to hire an employee or a contractor.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for 5 Ways to Manage a Startup Team

5 Ways to Manage a Startup Team

Starting and managing a startup can be a challenging and exciting endeavor. One key aspect of a successful startup is having a strong, cohesive team. Here are five ways to manage a startup team effectively

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Here is How Successful Startups grow Without Employees

Here is How Successful Startups grow Without Employees

Starting a business is a challenging and risky venture, and one of the key factors for success is the ability to grow and scale. In the early stages of a startup, it can be difficult to afford to hire employees, so it is important to find ways to grow the business without relying on a large workforce. Here are some strategies that successful startups have used to grow without employees

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for 10 Work Trends to Keep an Eye Out for in 2023

10 Work Trends to Keep an Eye Out for in 2023

Remote work will continue to dominate the workplace. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, many companies will continue to allow employees to work remotely at least part of the time. This trend has been accelerated by the pandemic and has proven to be successful for many businesses, so it's likely that it will continue to grow in popularity.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for How to Hire Freelancers for Your Startup

How to Hire Freelancers for Your Startup

Hiring freelancers can be a great option for startups, as it allows you to bring in specialized expertise and talent on a project-by-project basis, rather than committing to a full-time employee. However, finding and hiring freelancers can be a challenging process, particularly for startups that may not have a lot of experience in this area. Here are some tips on how to hire freelancers for your startup.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Tax Deductions for Independent Contractors & Self-Employed in 2023

Tax Deductions for Independent Contractors & Self-Employed in 2023

As an independent contractor or self-employed individual, you may be eligible for certain tax deductions when you file your federal income tax return. These deductions can help to reduce your taxable income, which can ultimately lower the amount of tax you owe. Here are some common tax deductions for independent contractors and self-employed individuals in 2023.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Hiring for Culture Add: Why Culture 'Fit' Is Outdated

Hiring for Culture Add: Why Culture 'Fit' Is Outdated

Hiring for culture fit has long been a common practice among employers, with the belief that hiring individuals who share the same values and beliefs as the company will lead to a more harmonious and productive work environment. However, there is growing evidence to suggest that this approach is no longer effective, and may even be harmful to the diversity and inclusivity of a company.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for The Most Common Payroll Schedules for Hourly Workers

The Most Common Payroll Schedules for Hourly Workers

Payroll schedules refer to the frequency at which an employer pays their employees for the work they have completed. There are several common payroll schedules for hourly workers, including weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, and monthly.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Take Control of Your Taxes

Take Control of Your Taxes

Paying taxes is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't mean you can't take control of the process and make sure you're paying the right amount of tax at the right time. With a little bit of effort and some good tax advice, you can minimize your tax burden and ensure that you're following the law. Here are some tips to help you take control of your taxes

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Tips for Managing a Remote Team

Tips for Managing a Remote Team

Managing a remote team can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you effectively manage your team and ensure that they are productive and engaged

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Why You Should Offer Your Employees the Flexibility of Working from Anywhere

Why You Should Offer Your Employees the Flexibility of Working from Anywhere

There are several reasons why it is beneficial for companies to offer their employees the flexibility of working from anywhere.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Is Health Insurance Pre-Tax? 5 common SMB Questions

Is Health Insurance Pre-Tax? 5 common SMB Questions

Health insurance premiums can be paid with pre-tax dollars, depending on the type of coverage and the employer's benefit plan.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Labor Shortage Solutions for Small Business Owners

Labor Shortage Solutions for Small Business Owners

Labor shortages can be a significant challenge for small business owners, as they can hinder productivity and growth. There are several potential solutions that small business owners can consider to address labor shortages

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for What Should be in a 1099 Contractors Contract?

What Should be in a 1099 Contractors Contract?

A 1099 contractor contract is a legally binding agreement between a contractor and a client that outlines the terms and conditions of the working relationship. It is important to have a clear and comprehensive 1099 contractor contract in place to protect both parties and ensure a smooth and successful working relationship.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Why You Should Have Contracts with IP Assignment with All of Your Workers

Why You Should Have Contracts with IP Assignment with All of Your Workers

As a business owner, it is important to protect your company's intellectual property (IP). One way to do this is by having contracts with IP assignment provisions for all of your workers. In addition, it is essential to ensure that you own all of the IP that is essential to your business, especially if you are planning to sell the company.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Laid Off on an H-1B Visa? Here is What You Need to Know

Laid Off on an H-1B Visa? Here is What You Need to Know

If you are on an H-1B visa and have been laid off, it is important to understand your options and rights. Here are some key points to keep in mind.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for How to Pay Remote Workers

How to Pay Remote Workers

Paying remote workers can be a complex process, but it is important to ensure that all employees are fairly compensated for their work. Here are some steps to follow when paying remote workers:

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for How to Choose Onboarding Software for a Small Business (Here Are the Top 5)

How to Choose Onboarding Software for a Small Business (Here Are the Top 5)

Onboarding software is a valuable tool for small businesses looking to streamline the process of bringing new employees into the fold. It can help with everything from paperwork and compliance to training and orientation, making it easier for new hires to get up to speed and become productive members of the team.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for What is form 1099-NEC?

What is form 1099-NEC?

Form 1099-NEC, also known as the 'Nonemployee Compensation Form,' is a tax form used by businesses to report payments made to nonemployees for services rendered. This includes payments to independent contractors, freelancers, and other self-employed individuals.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for How to Hire 1099 Contractors

How to Hire 1099 Contractors

Hiring 1099 contractors can be a cost-effective and flexible way for businesses to access specialized skills and services. However, it's important to be aware of the legal and financial responsibilities that come with hiring 1099 contractors, as well as the potential risks and benefits.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for The Future of Local Work

The Future of Local Work

The future of local work is likely to be shaped by a number of factors, including technological advances, economic changes, and shifts in societal values. Here are a few possible trends that could shape the future of local work:

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for 6 Ways to be a Digital Nomad

6 Ways to be a Digital Nomad

Being a digital nomad can be a rewarding and exciting way to live and work, as it allows you the freedom to travel and live in different places while still being able to earn a living. However, it does require careful planning and organization to make it work. Here are some tips on how to be a successful digital nomad:

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Is your Worker an Employee or Contractor?

Is your Worker an Employee or Contractor?

Determining whether a worker is an employee or a contractor is important because it affects the rights and responsibilities of both the worker and the company. It also has tax implications for both parties. In general, employees have more legal protections and benefits than contractors, and companies have more control over the work of employees than they do over contractors.

David Nelson
David Nelson
Cover Image for Contracting is on the Rise. Is Your Company Ready for It?

Contracting is on the Rise. Is Your Company Ready for It?

Contracting, or working as an independent contractor, is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many professionals. This trend is being driven by a number of factors, including the flexibility and autonomy that contracting offers, as well as the increasing demand for specialized skills and expertise in the modern economy. If your business is looking to take advantage of this trend and hire contractors, it's important to be prepared in order to make the most of the opportunity.

David Nelson
David Nelson